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Wednesday January 22, 2025

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HJS lists event information for all live jazz events in Honolulu. The only events that aren't here are those where the artists or promoters haven't yet entered their event information.

Event information on HJS is maintained by the artists and promoters themselves. The creator of Honolulu Jazz Scene dot com maintains the platform, but not the listings. All listings on the site are 100% free. If your event isn't here yet, please enter it so that more jazz fans can benefit from your performance.

The site gets more than 1000 hits per day, or about 1 page view every 70 seconds. Thanks very much for supporting live jazz in Honolulu.
Glen Goto and Friends
The Joshua Kaye Quartet
Your ad could be here for free if it helps the Honolulu music community
Frank Tabata - Take One
David Braun Audience of One
Hawaii Five-O” from my CD “Hawaii 5/4” available on iTunes and CDbaby

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